Mystical Order
Rosae Crucis
Explore the Initiate Journey
The Rosicrucian Order also known as the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) is an inclusive, worldwide, philosophical community; exploring spiritual wisdom and contributing to the evolution of consciousness.
We recognise the sacred that dwells in each individual and the mystical dimension of all life. We welcome new members regardless of gender, race, religion or social advantage.
Our members are asked to question the laws of the universe for themselves. We do not need gurus, dogma or absolutism, but instead encourage an inner desire to discover the mysteries of life.
Collectively as a mystical fraternity we seek to perpetuate Rosicrucian tradition as was historically revealed by the College of the Rose-Croix in 1614.
The teachings trace to the Mystery Schools of the ancient world and pertain to the mysteries of the universe, nature and humanity.
Our work includes promoting greater peace, harmony and understanding for all living beings.
People discover us when they are ready.
Inner Journey of the Heart
Harmony and Humanity
There are certain places in life where all meet; where we find that our troubles, griefs, interests, and efforts to reach the goals of life are common to all. On such bridges, we find ourselves united in a common humanity, despite our diversity.
We recognise the divine spark that dwells in each individual, that is the human soul, which is connected with a universal soul.
Attunement with our soul, brings out the highest qualities of humanity in us; refinement, and inspiration, as well as qualities of deep peace, kindness, tolerance, and ways to cope with the stresses of life. In short, it brings greater depth, purpose and understanding to our world.
Majestic Wisdom Within
Have you ever looked at the stars of the night sky and been in awe of the breathtaking beauty of the universe? Are there places you’ve visited where the atmosphere has a palpable vitality and wisdom, that same eternal feeling, yet you don’t know why?
Seekers have a natural affinity with eternal human questions; a resonance that reaches deep into their hearts and souls. Learning perennial spiritual knowledge will help you create your own sense of the sacred within and around you, bringing extra depth and meaning to your life.
Spiritual Ecology
Ecology plays an integral part in mystical consciousness because we cannot become interested in the mysteries of life, without also being concerned with what is to become of the Earth.
From the moment we set out on a spiritual path, we cannot fail to be concerned with the future of our Planet and with the love at work in all relationships.
Understanding the Order
We are not a religion – we want you to question things
Do you like to think for yourself? We recognise great spiritual leaders from all times and religions, and consider them from a philosophical and humanist perspective. We find meaning in the nuance. While our members love ancient artifacts, we don't need to see the real thing to intellectually explore deeper meanings and symbolism within important ideas.
We are inclusive – we accept you as you
Are you accepting of the difference? We seek to be. Regardless of gender, race or social standing, what we really want to know is that you're on a Seekers Journey. We want to know that you are serious in your intention towards your own spiritual and philosophical journey. You are welcome to identify with us as you wish. We accept you as you are.
We cultivate open minded thinking
Do you strive to have an informed opinion? We do. Much has come to pass over the last four millennia and we are here to seek and share pivotal learnings of humanity over time. We encourage you to have an open mind and a warm heart. We have no place however for dogma or absolutism. This exploration is the undertaking of the initiate's journey. We will be your guides and colleagues, not your master or authority. It’s your work to do.
We are not afraid to explore the philosophical, mystic, spiritual and esoteric
Are you intellectually curious? The Ancient Mystery Schools including those of Ancient Egypt and Greece established unique and effective approaches to spiritual self-development. Despite persecution, people throughout history have sought to preserve and perpetuate effective traditions. Take a journey and unpack true mysteries that have concerned humans for millennia. You’ll learn about people, places and events that seem lost in history. But as you uncover them, your own wisdom and perspective of human existence will deepen.